BuyersSellers March 16, 2022

Housing Wealth Gains for the Rising Middle-class Markets

While I know home ownership may not seem as fancy a financial vehicle as your diversified stock portfolio, but that portfolio doesn’t provide a place to serve as a restful haven or create memories with those you love.  Some have pooh-poohed the idea of investing in your home as a key asset and wealth builder.  Let me put an end to that notion right now!

According to a study conducted by the National Association of Realtors, Homeownership is the primary source of wealth creation, particularly for the middle class.  This wealth is created primarily by the appreciation of your home which has increased 4.3% annually for the last 30 years, but look at the last 10 years – a whopping 8.3% annually.  Contact me if you’re interested in getting a copy of that study.

Finding your place . . .