
Buyers Let’s Talk About It One thing I absolutely love about real estate is the endless conversations it sparks! Of course, the question on everyone’s mind is, “How’s the market doing?” Let me share with you, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on your perspective. Take a look at the graphic below, illustrating the latest statistics for Hamilton County, […]
Sellers Buyers, Sellers See Benefits of Staging Houses Beyond eliminating clutter and a good scrubbing, a well-staged home is going to reduce the days on market and garner the best price for your property.  More information on this topic from the National Association of Realtors:
Sellers Ooohs and Awwwws Clearly a spectacular home IS a spectacular home, but you’ve heard from every corner of the real estate world that kitchens are the key. Indeed they are. Kitchens garner the most oohs and awws and is where to put your money if you’re making improvement in your home. Follow the article below for a few […]
Buyers Homes and Estates Magazine The summer issue of Homes and Estates – Enjoy!
Buyers Hosting a Holiday – Thanksgiving in your new Home? One of the great things about owning a home is having the space to host your holiday events.  I was raised by my maternal grandmother with modest means.  Hosting a holiday get together was not part of our world, and in retrospect, I have a hard time remembering anything at all about Thanksgiving outside of […]
Buyers Our Furbabies Goodness knows we love our furbabies with their loyalty and unconditional love, BUT the hair . . . Below are some good strategies for managing, and my recommendation is to use a combination to effectively manage.  If you have multiple pets, I would also recommend increasing the frequency of changing your hvac filter from quarterly […]
Buyers Who Needs Coffee? I’m surprised (and lucky) at how many of these places I’ve visited for a great cup of coffee – especially when my cupboard is bare.  I would have a difficult time managing without a great cup of coffee being served nearby. Big shout out to the newest in my neighborhood – the FlatIron Cafe! […]
Buyers Lifelong passion I am not sure why I love real estate as much as I do, but I do.  I grew up in a modest neighborhood, but through so many special friends and family, I had access to many lovely homes.  There’s just something unique about every home that’s not only reflective of the architecture, period, and […]
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Sellers What’s Good? Goin’ Green! Don’t let complacency keep you from getting the best price for your home.  I will speak to finishes and conditioning in a later publication, but today I want to address going green.  Yes, I know that you don’t mind adjusting your thermostat or that little draft by the dining room, but you’ve likely had a […]
Buyers Cincinnati Market Overview Jan – May 2022 An overview of the Cincinnati Real estate market from January through May 2022.  The median sales price in May 2022 was $259,450, up 2.96% from $252,000 from the previous month and 3.37% higher than $251,000 from May 2021. The May 2022 median sales price was at its highest level compared to May 2021 and 2020. The […]
Buyers Seven Fixes to Avoid Major Foundation Problems Nobody wants to hear that there are foundation issues. Here are some good tips on how to get ahead of these issues – many are pretty simple. If for some reason, it is too late to remedy your issue. Don’t despair! There’s likely a very good long-term solution, and it may not be as expensive […]
Buyers Cincinnati Multiple Listing Service Monthly Statistics Each month the Cincinnati Multiple Listing Service publishes      statistics for our area based on a rolling 5-year period.  It will still be a challenging market.  All the more reason to work with an agent that will help you successfully navigate the market.   Residential Inventory – Number of units available for sale each […]
Buyers Housing Wealth Gains for the Rising Middle-class Markets While I know home ownership may not seem as fancy a financial vehicle as your diversified stock portfolio, but that portfolio doesn’t provide a place to serve as a restful haven or create memories with those you love.  Some have pooh-poohed the idea of investing in your home as a key asset and wealth builder.  […]