Sellers June 14, 2022

What’s Good? Goin’ Green!

Don’t let complacency keep you from getting the best price for your home.  I will speak to finishes and conditioning in a later publication, but today I want to address going green.  Yes, I know that you don’t mind adjusting your thermostat or that little draft by the dining room, but you’ve likely had a number of years to become accustom to this.  Today’s buyers are looking to simplify their lives.  They want to spend less time and money on maintenance, more on experiences and make sure they’re treating our Earth as kindly as possible.

As a home seller, there is a wide array of incremental updates to your home that can accommodate any budget and help attract buyers and potentially sell your home more quickly.

  • Eco-friendly lighting
  • Energy Efficient Appliances
  • Insulation (even weather stripping at your door can be helpful)
  • Water Conserving Fixtures
  • Programmable Thermostat
  • Energy Star Windows
  • High-Efficiency HVAC
  • Low Maintenance Landscaping

We can all replace that incandescent bulb with an LED and who wouldn’t rather replace a lightbulb every 10 years instead of every six months.  If you’re really willing to commit to going green, a recent survey conducted by Zillow indicated that adding eco-friendly and eco-resistant features get sellers a better price and sell their home up to 10 days faster.